Why Won't My Dog Poop?

Why Won't My Dog Poop?

Why Is My Dog Constipated? 

As a dog owner, you're probably accustomed to occasional poop problems. But when your dog is not going poop, it can be frustrating and concerning. 

The first step is to determine what is causing your dog to be constipated.

It’s important to determine if your dog is not pooping because they can’t, a medical issue that can quickly become serious, or if they just don’t want to, a far less serious, yet annoying behavioral issue.

Medical Conditions That Cause Constipation

When dealing with a dog suffering from constipation that lasts more than several days, it is essential to have them examined by a veterinarian to test for any acute or potentially life-threatening medical conditions, such as an intestinal blockage, a very dangerous situation that if not treated promptly is often fatal. 

Chronic Medical Conditions: If you've ruled out acute issues like an infection or intestinal blockage, along with stress, behavioral issues, and dietary changes, it’s time to consult a veterinarian to look into other potential causes including medical conditions like colitis or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A thorough examination, including diagnostic testing, if necessary, will help to determine if there are any underlying medical issues which once identified, can be treated through an appropriate treatment plan.

Common Non-Medical Reasons Dogs Won’t Poop and How to Address Them

Changes in Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit. They thrive on routine, and any disruption to their daily schedule can lead to behavioral changes, including reluctance to poop. If your dog has experienced a significant change recently, such as a move to a new home, changes in feeding times, or alterations in your work schedule, they might be holding in their bowel movements due to anxiety or confusion. To address this issue, try to establish a consistent routine that provides your dog with a sense of security and predictability.

Stress and Anxiety

Both stress and anxiety can have a profound impact on a dog's digestive system. When a dog is anxious or fearful, their body can divert resources away from non-essential functions like digestion. This can result in constipation or a reluctance to poop altogether. Common stressors for dogs include loud noises, thunderstorms, visits to the veterinarian, or the presence of unfamiliar people or animals. To alleviate your dog's anxiety, try to create a safe and comfortable space for them during stressful events and consult with a veterinarian for potential anxiety management strategies.

Dietary Changes

Diet plays a crucial role in your dog's overall health, and if you recently changed their food or introduced new treats, their digestive system may need time to adjust. Some dogs are sensitive to certain ingredients, and food allergies or intolerances can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Ensure you're feeding your dog a balanced diet that suits their specific nutritional needs, and gradually transition to new foods to minimize digestive upset.

Anxiety or Fear of New Environments

Some dogs are very sensitive to their surroundings, making unfamiliar environments feel intimidating. If your dog suddenly refuses “to go” while on a walk, especially in a new location, it might be due to fear or discomfort. In such cases, you can try familiarizing your dog with the environment gradually to make them feel safer. Bringing along a familiar toy, and/or rewarding your dog with treats for positive behavior, have been found to be very effective at reducing anxiety in this situation.

Lack of Exercise

Exercise is essential for your dog's physical and mental health, as well as their digestive health. Regular physical activity helps stimulate the digestive system and encourages bowel movements. Studies have shown that a lack of exercise can lead to constipation. Make sure your dog is getting the recommended amount of daily exercise for their breed and size, and consider increasing their activity level if needed.

Holding it

Some dogs are masters at holding it in, especially in adverse weather conditions. Understandably, this can lead to constipation and discomfort, along with unwanted behaviors like making potties in the house! To address this issue, ensure that your dog has access to a suitable outdoor area where they feel comfortable and safe. Additionally, be patient and allow your dog adequate time to find the right spot during walks.

Additional Behavioral Issues

In some cases, a dog's refusal to poop may be a behavioral problem. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they can develop unusual behaviors for various reasons. Some dogs may associate a particular location or experience with discomfort or negative outcomes related to defecation. If your dog has had a traumatic experience, they might avoid pooping in a certain area. In such cases, positive reinforcement training and patience can help modify their behavior.

Mild and intermittent constipation in dogs can be uncomfortable for our dogs, and
frustrating for us! Luckily, there are some natural remedies that may help alleviate mild cases of constipation.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Constipation in Dogs

Before attempting any natural remedies, make sure your dog's constipation has not persisted for more than a few days, and make sure it has not worsened.
Once you’ve ruled out any potential underlying medical issues (including a dangerous blockage), there are many natural ways to alleviate your dog’s mild constipation, and instituting them as soon as possible is key!


Adding more fiber to your dog's diet will work to promote regular bowel
movements. Some fiber-rich foods to try adding to your dog’s regular meals include: PLAIN canned pumpkin (not the pie type!), sweet potatoes, milled flaxseed, wheatgerm, and even bran cereals! Veggies, including green beans, carrots, peas, and beets can be cooked and added to your dog’s food, or offered raw as a treat! And don’t forget apples! Many dogs love apple slices, and they’re a great source of fiber!

Important Fiber Tip: When it comes to adding any type of fiber to your dog’s regular diet, always START SLOW, adding small amounts and gradually increasing over time. Adding too much fiber too quickly will surely cause your dog to experience other unwanted gastrointestinal issues, especially diarrhea!


Dehydration contributes to constipation, so be sure your dog always has
access to clean, fresh water, and encourage them to drink more by placing multiple
water bowls around the house.


A super easy way to promote regular bowel movements is through physical
activity. Exercise, including walks, and all types of play, will help to keep your dog’s
digestive system healthy.


Try an easy-to-use natural supplement that contains digestive enzymes
and fiber developed specifically to alleviate constipation. Add probiotics to improve digestion and promote normal gut health.  And remember, while minor constipation can be resolved through simple adjustments to routine, diet, or environment, it's crucial not to overlook the possibility of underlying medical conditions. If your dog's poop problems persist, especially if accompanied by other concerning symptoms, you should consult with a veterinarian immediately for a thorough evaluation. 

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If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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