Under The Weather Blog

Happy tales, advice and facts from pet experts and pet lovers. Enjoy our personal stories of dog rescues, crazy cat escapades and all of our lovable pet moments. Discover tips and tricks to help keep you and your pet happy and healthy.

Babies, Kids & Dogs

Babies, Kids & Dogs

According to recent statistics, over 63 million households in the United States have at least one dog. Many couples have a dog prior to having children, with most saying their...

Babies, Kids & Dogs

According to recent statistics, over 63 million households in the United States have at least one dog. Many couples have a dog prior to having children, with most saying their...

How To Save Your Carpets: Avoiding Accidents in Dogs

How To Save Your Carpets: Avoiding Accidents in...

We have all had to deal with our dog having an accident in the house at some point, but when it happens on your brand-new white carpet, it can be...

How To Save Your Carpets: Avoiding Accidents in...

We have all had to deal with our dog having an accident in the house at some point, but when it happens on your brand-new white carpet, it can be...