Many households are gearing up for a traditional Easter egg hunt this weekend. If your dog beats the kiddos to finding the eggs and perhaps eating one or two, is it cause for alarm? Not at all, as long as you use a non-toxic food coloring.
Related: Easter Treats Your Dog Will Love
But what about feeding eggs as part of your dog’s regular diet? As misconceptions are cleared up, we are finding out more about the many benefits of feeding one of nature’s perfect foods to our pups.
A Complete Food Source
Eggs are one of the most complete and nutritious additions to your dog’s diet. After all, an egg contains all the nutrients necessary to grow a new chicken. But they are also a rich source of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Eggs are also a good source of:
- Vitamin A
- Riboflavin
- Folate
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Selenium
- Fatty Acids
Want to help your dog build muscle, strengthen its hair and nails, and repair tissue? A hardboiled egg a day may just help keep the groomer and the vet away.
Raw vs Cooked Eggs
Some feel that feeding raw eggs delivers more nutritional value than feeding cooked eggs. However, feeding raw eggs can come with some risks. Others disagree and feel that feeding cooked eggs are a safer choice.
One concern of feeding raw eggs is that the whites contain enzyme inhibitors which can interfere with digestion, especially in very young and old animals. If your dog falls into either of these groups, you may want to feed only cooked eggs.
Another concern is salmonella. While dogs are equipped to handle the bacteria in raw foods, the health of the hen is also important. It’s best to choose eggs from organic, free-range chickens. Also store your eggs in a cool spot to help keep harmful bacteria in check.
Feed the Whole Egg
While a rare occurrence, feeding egg whites alone can cause a biotin deficiency. Biotin is one of the B vitamins and is important for cellular growth, fatty acid metabolism and healthy skin and coat. However, egg yolks are very high in biotin, so as long as you feed the entire egg, there are few worries. There are other sources of biotin in the diet as well. Liver is a particularly good source.
Don’t Toss the Shells
Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium and protein for your dog. For strong bones and teeth, crush the eggshells and sprinkle about ½ teaspoon over your dog’s kibble. Simply dry the shells out completely, then grind them in a clean coffee grinder, food processor or with a mortar and pestle until they are powdered. The crushed shells can be stored in an airtight bowl or jar for a week. Or, you can store your fresh shells in a baggy or bowl in the refrigerator until you are ready to crush them for use.
It’s important to remember that many eggs are sprayed with a chemical to make them look shiny, so it is best to get your eggs from a local organic farmer.
In Conclusion
Eggs are cheap, easily obtained and an outstanding source of nutrition for your dog. Try feeding your dog a few eggs a week, and you’ll see better health, inside and out.
This blog is brought to you by Under the Weather®, provider of award-winning bland diet products for dogs. These bland diet products offer a quick and convenient solution when dogs experience digestive issues such as vomiting or diarrhea. Ready to go in minutes – just add boiling water to rehydrate.
A portion of every sale goes to the Ruffy Rescue Fund. The company funds the transportation and spaying/neutering costs associated with bringing dogs from overpopulated kill shelters in the USA to Vermont for adoption.
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